1. Elect delegates and alternates to the county convention or legislative district caucus.
2. Discuss issues pertinent to the Republican platforms for county, state, and national organizations.
Prior to 10:00 AM there will be a registration period. Any registered voter of the precincts in which the caucus is being held can participate. They simply must sign a Registration form and List of Participants at Precinct Caucus form stating that they considers themselves to be a Republican and have not participated and will not participate in the 2024 caucus or convention system of any other party.
1. Call to order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Appointment of temporary secretary
4. Election of permanent caucus chairman
5. Election of permanent caucus secretary
6. Resolutions and platform discussion
7. Such other business as may be appropriate for the caucus
8. Adjournment to individual caucuses
1. Call to order
2. Appointment of temporary secretary
3. Election of permanent caucus chairman (if necessary)
4. Election of permanent caucus secretary
5. Nomination and election of delegate(s)
(To commence no earlier than 10:30 or no later than 11:30)
6. Nomination and election of alternate(s)
7. Adjournment
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