WHEREAS, Our Founding Documents refer to “Self-Evident Truths”, obvious truths which for most of us require no debate as to their nature, as they are, “Self-Evident”; and
WHEREAS, It is Self-Evident that to be secure in one’s home; that home requires walls, and doors with locks that the residents can use to decide who and what enters their homes. School’s require physical and administrative systems for the safety of their students, just as any business requires systems to secure their customers, employees and merchandise; and
WHEREAS, Nations are no different. They require enforceable borders which are used to regulate who, what and how much of anything enters their nation so they can protect their citizens physical, financial and fundamental human rights; and
WHEREAS, There was absolutely no debate on these essential Self Evident Truths on December 7th 1941, or September 11, 2001 when Americans were so brutally reminded of those Truths; and
WHEREAS, For the past decade or more our elected leaders on both sides of the aisle have utterly failed in 1) Physically securing our borders, 2) removing the incentives that are enticing innocent people to put their lives and fortunes in jeopardy by enlisting the aid of organized criminal gangs to aid them in illegally entering our nation, and 3) establishing reliable, effective laws and systems that provide clear consequences to employers who employ illegal aliens; and
WHEREAS, Members of the current White House administration have worked tirelessly to stop all efforts to physically secure the southern border, and even more bizarrely, actively worked to remove existing physical and administrative barriers to illegal entry. They are also preventing and obstructing all law enforcement agencies responsible for enforcing immigration policy and entry into our Nation; and
WHEREAS, These actions have resulted in millions of people illegally entering our Nation. People whose backgrounds and Identities cannot be determined, and whose intentions cannot be determined. This has resulted in untold suffering though Human trafficking, Sex slavery, and the massively increased the flow of drugs into our Nation, causing a huge increase in crime of all types; and
WHEREAS, Last year alone 169 people on the Terror Watch list were apprehended crossing the southern border illegally. It is reasonable to assume many, many more have crossed undetected. Also well understood is that many countries, Iran, China, Russia, for example are actively engaged in conflict with us. We have no idea how many people they have sent across our porous borders, or for what purpose they might have been sent. Our current White House administration along with many of our other elected leaders are directly responsible for this travesty. We believe that these actions by our leaders can only be described as traitorous; and
WHEREAS, 10 senior retired FBI officials have authored a letter to congress dated January 17 2024, which describes the dire nature of the threat that is now facing our Nation, a threat that our current White House administration is directly responsible for. (Link is attached) ; and
WHEREAS, The state of Texas is currently using its National Guard to secure its southern border, while the Federal Government is increasing their demands that the Texans stand down so Federal agents can remove the barriers to allow the unchecked invasion to continue; and
WHEREAS, More than 20 states have pledged to send their National Guard or other law enforcement agencies to assist the Texas National Guard in securing the border in spite of Federal efforts to keep it open; and
THEREFORE, be it resolved, that GHGOP Demands that Governor Inslee immediately contact the Governor of Texas and offer the full support of our Washington State National Guard to assist Texas in any way possible in their efforts to secure our Nation’s Southern Border against attacks from both within, and outside, of our Nation’s Borders; and
FURTHER, That all of our elected officials support these efforts immediately, by adding their voices to the call for sanity.