We, The People of Grays Harbor County Republican Party, reaffirm the principles that have defined our Nation and have enabled it to become the most free, fair, diverse, prosperous, and just nation the world has ever known – allowing human creativity and productivity to flourish by limiting the power of government to interfere with private life.
This platform is an invitation to any resident of Grays Harbor County who shares in these beliefs to join us and help us to restore the respect for these values throughout our State, and our Nation.
Fundamental Principles
Our Nation’s Declaration of Independence begins with:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
We Believe that there are “self-evident” Truths. Truths that need no discussion, no argument to their veracity as they are, or more importantly, should be obvious to all.
We Believe that a reverence for God and respect for the values found in our Judeo-Christian foundation, and the strength of the traditional family we gain from them, are the cornerstones of America and we firmly believe that these have been responsible for every success that our Nation has achieved.
We Believe that unborn babies are endowed by their Creator with the Right to Life.
We Believe that our “Unalienable Rights” flow from our Creator and as stated in the Declaration; “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Therefore
We Believe that when our elected representatives recite the following words;
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; …”,
We have a Right to expect them to take this as a prime directive from us. It should color every discussion they have, every debate on any law or regulation, on every vote they cast.
We have a Right to expect them to be fluent in each of the articles and amendments, and
We have a Right to expect them to be able to plainly interpret the Constitution as it was written and be able to discern the “Self-Evident” truths it contains.
Further, we have a Right to expect each of our elected officials to tenaciously hold other elected and appointed government officials accountable, through any lawful means necessary, should they make rulings, propose, or enact legislation, that violates those basic principles.
Enumerated Principles
We Believe the Bill of Rights, and our Washington State Constitution, are both easily understood by anyone with a working knowledge of the English language, and that many laws and regulations have been enacted that are violating those rights. Those laws MUST BE REPEALED.
We Believe our Second Amendment Rights are not negotiable and must be defended.
We Believe that life is a gift from God and all life, born and unborn, have rights that must be defended.
We Believe Border security is necessary for a nation to exist, and the current administration as of Feb 2024 is ignoring countless immigration laws and aiding and abetting the unlawful entry into our nation of millions of foreign nationals. This must be remedied as quickly as possible.
We Believe the public trust in election integrity is among the top 10 most important issues in the country, therefore transparency in auditing results, and the prosecution of election crimes to the fullest extent of the law are vital.
We Believe that the ability to conduct independent forensic audits of our elections must be restored. That we must eradicate the use of machines and universal mail in voting. That we must promote same day voting with picture identification along with the publication of the results on the same day.
We Believe the Nation’s National Debt is an existential crisis. The federal Government spending must be cut.
We Believe any elected official who violates their oath to uphold the Constitution and protect our rights by proposing or supporting unconstitutional legislation should be impeached and removed from office, and that it is the responsibility and duty of our elected officials to ensure this happens in a timely manner.
We Believe Veteran’s affairs should be a top priority, not that of illegal immigrants.
We Believe legislation placing government control of minors over parental control of their children in the education system is a violation of parent’s Constitutional rights.
We Believe our government should never again be allowed to coerce or interfere in any citizen’s medical care or treatment.
We Believe The United States of America, as a world leader in technology and energy can, and should be using the abundant natural resources from within its borders to set an example in the responsible use of said resources to provide its citizens with the most affordable energy possible.
We Believe decisions made by government agencies are separate from law and should be transparent, open to public discussion, criticism and recourse.
We Believe property rights are a Civil Right.